Coping Strategies – Barbara


Barbara talks about journaling to identify her symptoms.


I went to my cardiologist. You know I – one of the things that I was warned about at the very beginning was not to Google it, right? [Sighs] I don’t know; that’s kind of a plus and a minus, right? When I first had COPD or when I was first diagnosed for COPD, I Googled it and it was like, ‘Oh my God’, overwhelming, right? So I tried not to do that with the heart failure because I didn’t want to be overwhelmed that way. I wanted to just hear the real news, what was actually happening and what I could do to help myself. That’s all I was interested in. So I got – I got a journal and I started journaling my symptoms and I journaled every day. Then I took that to my doctor and we discussed what these things meant. How we would identify symptoms and what we would do about it when we did have symptoms.

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